Showing posts with label virtualbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtualbox. Show all posts

Solved: How to get out of Virtual box console window

You can easily get out of the virtual box machine console window by pressing the “ctrl” button on the right side of the keyboard. i.e. the “ctrl” button which is near the arrow keys.

Solved: How to mount ISO in a linux VM

In this post we will discuss how to mount ISO in Linux VM running inside Virtualbox or VMware.
You can mount ISO in Linux VM running on Virtualbox by following these steps
  • Select the running machine window.
  • Click on Devices > Optical Devices
  • Choose disk image, browse and select ISO .
  • Now go to the redhat linux server and execute the mount command
 mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
  • If the linux VM is in VMware. You can select the iso image in vmware console similar to what we did for virtual box.
  • Right click on the machine > “Removable Devices” > “CD/DVD” > Settings. Browse and select the ISO. Check mark on “Connected”.
  • Finally execute the following command in Linux VM.
    mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
  • If you do “df -h” new ISO should be mounted and visible to you as /mnt .
Tip: If you are getting error /mnt busy ensure that /mnt is not already mounted. If /mnt is already mounted either unmount /mnt first and try again or create a new directory and mount the ISO on the new directory.

Solved: Three options to convert ova to ovf files

Sometime you may have to open OVA files, which are actually just zip of OVF files.
You can extract or convert OVA to OVF file in three ways as mentioned below
Option 1
Tar Command
If you have access to Linux or Unix box you can use tar command to extract the file.
tar -xvf cloudvedas-OpenStackHOL.ova
Option 2
In Windows you can use a tool like like 7-Zip or winrar to extract the file.
Option 3
Vmware ovftool
Download Vmware OVF tool 
Once you have downloaded and installed the tool go to the command prompt and change the directory to where you have installed the ovf tool. You should see an exe called “ovftool.exe”.
Execute the command:-
ovftool.exe "E:\Software\Openstack\cloudvedas-OpenStackHOL.ova" "E:\Software\Openstack\cloudvedas-OpenStackHOL.ovf"

Check out our post on Most useful Tar command examples .

Install vagrant and create VM on your windows laptop or desktop

In this post we will show you how to install vagrant in your laptop and start a Ubuntu Linux VM.
You will have to download these softwares and install them on your laptop.
  • Once they are downloaded.
First Install Virtual Box.  Just click on exe and follow installation instructions.
Next Install Vagrant. Just click on exe and follow installation instructions.
Putty and PuttyGen don’t need any installation, you can use them directly.
Once the pre-requisites are installed let’s move ahead.
  • Open the windows command prompt. CMD
  • Go to the directory where you will need the vagrant machines to be installed. e.g.
cd C:\users
  • Once you are in desired directory create a new directory .
mkdir ProjectVagrantcd ProjectVagrant
  • Create a new Vagrant File
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
  • Below command will download the Ubuntu Trusty 64 OS image and create VM. Ensure you are connected to network.
vagrant up
  • Setup ssh
vagrant ssh
Above command will give you IP, Port and Private key for the machine.
  • Using putty you can connect to the machine. Add entries like below.
Hostname:- vagrant@
Port :- 2222
Default password :- vagrant

If you want to login using the ssh key you will have to first convert the .pem key to .ppk. Follow this post on How to convert .pem key to .ppk and login to VM ?
That’s all in this post! Hope it’s useful for you. If you have any query please write in comments section.