Solved: Error on labeling the disk

You may get below error when you are trying to label a new disk in Solaris.

format> la
 WARNING - This disk may be in use by an application that has
 modified the fdisk table. Ensure that this disk is
 not currently in use before proceeding to use fdisk.


Before you proceed for the solution ensure that this is the correct disk which you want to label.

  • Once you are sure about the correct disk, select the disk from the format menu.
  • Before you try labeling the disk execute "fdisk" while in format menu.
format> fdisk
 No fdisk table exists. The default partition for the disk is:

a 100% "SOLARIS System" partition

Type "y" to accept the default partition, otherwise type "n" to edit the
 partition table.
  • Once you press "y" it will accept the default disk layout.
  • Now you can also change the disk layout format as per your requirement and finally label the disk.

Solved: How to get out of Virtual box console window

You can easily get out of the virtual box machine console window by pressing the “ctrl” button on the right side of the keyboard. i.e. the “ctrl” button which is near the arrow keys.

Solved: How to stop data balance notifications from Idea mobile internet

If you are using Idea Mobile network you would have noticed that  whenever your data connection is stopped you get a notification of how much data balance is left now.
This can be useful to know your data balance. But these notifications gets very irritating specially since the network switches frequently between 2G, 3G and 4G.
In this post we will see how to turn off these notifications.
  • Dial *121# from your mobile.
  • Select the option “Self care” . Generally its option 4.
  • Select “Data Notification” . Option 5 .
  • Select “Stop notification” . Option 2
Finally you will get the message that your data notifications will stop soon. It generally stops in 5 minutes.
Hope this post helps you. Do let me know if you have any query.

Solved: ERROR: current transaction is aborted - Redshift

[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block;
If you are getting the above error while you are connected to Redshift, ensure that you have checked the “Autocommit” box below the “Password” box in SQL Workbench/J connection window. (refer image below)

Once you check the “Autocommit” box try connecting to the Redshift cluster again.

Solved: docker - error during connect

sagu@sagu-pc MINGW64 ~$ docker image lserror during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.29/images/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.sagu@sagu-pc MINGW64 ~
If you are getting above error while running the docker commands in Docker Quickstart Terminal then you can have one of the listed problem.
  • The docker deamon is not running.
  • The docker host machine itself is down.
  • Required configuration file is missing.
First check that the host machine is up and the configuration file is present at its location. Once you are sure both the above things are ok, in that case easiest way to get rid of this issue is to open the Docker Quickstart Terminal by selecting “Run as Administrator” .  It will take some time to start but let it complete and you should be back in business soon.