AWS Sample Exam Questions - Part 1

Below are some sample exam questions and you can expect similar questions in exam. You can get more such questions in  acloudguru sample exam questions for AWS Certified Developer – Associate  and here for AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate .
Q1. A 3-tier e-commerce web application is current deployed on-premises and will be migrated to AWS for greater scalability and elasticity The web server currently shares read-only data using a network distributed file system The app server tier uses a clustering mechanism for discovery and shared session state that depends on IP multicast The database tier uses shared-storage clustering to provide database fall over capability, and uses several read slaves for scaling Data on all servers and the distributed file system directory is backed up weekly to off-site tapes
Which AWS storage and database architecture meets the requirements of the application?
A. Web servers, store read-only data in S3, and copy from S3 to root volume at boot time App servers snare state using a combination or DynamoDB and IP unicast Database use RDS with multi-AZ deployment and one or more Read Replicas Backup web and app servers backed up weekly via Mils database backed up via DB snapshots.
B. Web servers store -read-only data in S3, and copy from S3 to root volume at boot time App servers share state using a combination of DynamoDB and IP unicast Database, use RDS with multi-AZ deployment and one or more read replicas Backup web servers app servers, and database backed up weekly to Glacier using snapshots.
C. Web servers store read-only data In S3 and copy from S3 to root volume at boot time App servers share state using a combination of DynamoDB and IP unicast Database use RDS with multi-AZ deployment Backup web and app servers backed up weekly via AM is. database backed up via DB snapshots
D. Web servers, store read-only data in an EC2 NFS server, mount to each web server at boot time App servers share state using a combination of DynamoDB and IP multicast Database use RDS with multl-AZ deployment and one or more Read Replicas Backup web and app servers backed up weekly via Mils database backed up via DB snapshots
Answer:- A
B: You can’t directly backup EBS snapshots to Glacier they first need to be move to S3 standard.
C: doesn’t have DB read replicas
D: AWS does not support IP Multicast.
So only A seems to be correct.
Q2. Your customer wishes to deploy an enterprise application to AWS which will consist of several web servers, several application servers and a small (50GB) Oracle database information is stored, both in the database and the file systems of the various servers. The backup system must support database recovery whole server and whole disk restores, and individual file restores with a recovery time of no more than two hours. They have chosen to use RDS Oracle as the database
Which backup architecture will meet these requirements?
A. Backup RDS using automated daily DB backups Backup the EC2 instances using AMI s and supplement with file-level backup to S3 using traditional enterprise backup software to provide file level restore
B. Backup RDS using a Multi-AZ Deployment Backup the EC2 instances using AMI s, and supplement by copying file system data to S3 to provide file level restore.
C. Backup RDS using automated daily DB backups Backup the EC2 instances using EBS snapshots and supplement with file-level backups to Amazon Glacier using traditional enterprise backup software to provide file level restore
D. Backup RDS database to S3 using Oracle RMAN Backup the EC2 instances using AMI s, and supplement with EBS snapshots for individual volume restore.
Answer :- A
B:- Multi AZ is for DR.
C:-Glacier takes 3-4 hours so RTO of 2 Hours can’t be respected.
D:- RDS doesn’t use RMAN backups
Q3. Is there a limit to the number of groups you can have?
A.Yes for all users except root
B. No
C. Yes unless special permission granted
D. Yes for all users
Answer :- D
As per this doc limits are for all users.
Q4. What is the charge for the data transfer incurred in replicating data between your primary and standby?
A. No charge. It is free.
B. Double the standard data transfer charge
C. Same as the standard data transfer charge
D. Half of the standard data transfer charge
Answer:- A
You are not charged for the data transfer incurred in replicating data between your source DB Instance and Read Replica.
Q5. Through which of the following interfaces is AWS Identity and Access Management available?
A) AWS Management Console
B) Command line interface (CLI)
C) IAM Query API
D) Existing libraries
A.Only through Command line interface (CLI)
B.A, B and C
C.A and C
D. All of the above
Answer:- B
IAM can be accessed through Console, CLI and API .
All the questions posted here are taken from public internet and answers are marked as per our understanding. These are not exam dumps.
If you have any concern or suggestion please update in comments or contact us through the contact page.

OpenStack Crash Course - Neutron

Openstack Neutron is the networking service.  It is similar to AWS VPC or Azure VNET.
  • Manual and automatic management of networks and IP addresses.
  • Distinct networking models for different applications and user groups.
  • Flat networks (VLAN’s) for separating servers and traffic.
  • Supports both Static IP addresses and DHCP.
  • Floating IP addresses for dynamic rerouting to resources on the network.
  • Software-defined networking (SDN), OpenFlow, for multi-tenancy and scalability.
  • Management of intrusion detection systems (IDS), load balancing, firewalls, VPN’s, etc.

OpenStack Crash Course - Glance

Glance is image service of OpenStack. It’s similar to AWS AMI and Azure VM Images.
  • OpenStack Image Service for discovery, registration, and delivery of services for disk and server images
  • Template-building from stored images
  • Storage and cataloging of unlimited backups
  • REST interface for querying disk image information
  • Streaming of images to servers
  • VMware integration, with vMotion Dynamic Resource Scheduling (DRS) and live migration of running virtual machines
  • All OpenStack OS images built on virtual machines
  • Maintenance of image metadata
  • Creation, deletion, sharing, and duplification of images

OpenStack Crash Course - Nova

Openstack Nova is the equivalent of AWS EC2 instances or Azure VMs.
  • It’s an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering.
  • Provides management and automation of pools of Virtual Machines
  • Bare metal and high-performance computing (HPC) configurations
  • It supports KVM, VMware, and Xen hypervisor virtualization
  • Hyper-V and LXC containerization
  • Python-based with various external libraries: Eventlet for concurrent programming, Kombu for AMQP communication, SQLAlchemy for database access, etc.
  • Designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware with no proprietary hardware or software requirements
  • Inter operable with legacy systems

AWS Crash Course - RDS

Welcome to AWS Crash Course.
What is RDS?
  • RDS is Relational Database Service of Amazon.
  • It is part of its PaaS offering.
  • A new DB instance can easily be launched from AWS management console.
  • Complex administration process like patching, backup etc. are manged automatically by RDS.
  • Amazon has its own relational database called Amazon Aurora.
  • RDS also supports other popular database engines like MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MariaDB .
RDS Supports Multi AZ(Availability Zone) failovers.
What does that mean?
It means if your primary DB is down. Services will automatically failover to secondary DB in other AZ.
  • Multi-AZ deployments for MySQL,Oracle and PostgreSQL engines utilizes synchronous physical replication to keep data on the standby up-to-date with Primary.
  • Multi-AZ deployments for the SQL server engine use synchronous logical replication to achieve the same result, employing SQL server native mirroring tech.
  • Both approaches safeguard your data in event of a DB instance failure or loss of AZ.
  • Backups are taken from secondary DB which avoids I/O suspension to the primary.
  • Restore’s are taken from secondary DB which avoids I/O suspension to the primary.
  • You can force a failover from one AZ to another by rebooting your DB instance.
But RDS Multi AZ failover is not a scaling Solution.
Read Replicas are for Scaling.
What are Read Replicas?
As we discussed above Multi AZ is synchronous replication of DB.  While read replicas are asynchronous replication of DB.
  • You can have 5 read replicas for both MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • You can have read replicas in different regions but for MySQL only.
  • Read replica’s can be built off Multi-AZ’s databases.
  • You can have read replica’s of read replica’s , however only for MySQL and this will further increase latency.
  • You can use read replicas for generating reports. By this you won’t put load on the primary DB.
RDS supports automated backups.
But keep these things in mind.
  • There is a performance hit if Multi-AZ is not enabled.
  • If you delete an instance then all automated backups are deleted, however manual db snapshots will not be deleted.
  • All snapshots are stored on S3.
  • When you do a restore , you can change the engine type(e.g. SQL standard to SQL enterprise) provided you have enough storage space.
Hope the above snapshot give you a decent understanding of RDS. If you want to try some handson check this tutorial .
This series is created to give you a quick snapshot of AWS technologies.  You can check about other AWS services in this series over here .